Saturday, July 30, 2011

Mr. Jones Goes To Heaven

Mr. Jones dies and goes to heaven.

Peter is waiting at the gates to give him tour. Amid the splendor of golden street, beautiful mansions, and chairs of angels that peter shows him, Mr. Jones Notice an odd-looking building. He thinks it looks like an enormous warehouse it has no windows and only one door. but when he asks to see inside, Peter hesitates.

 "You really don't want to see what's in there," he tells the new arrival.

Why would there be any secrets in heaven? Jones wonders. What incredible surprise could be waiting for me in there? When the official tour is over he's still wondering, so he asks again to see inside the structure.

Finally Peter relents. When the apostle opens the door, Mr. Jones almost knocks him over in his haste to enter. it turns out that the enormous building is filled with row after row of shelves , floor to ceiling, each stacked neatly with white boxes tied in red ribbons. 

"These boxes all have names on them." Mr. Jones muses a loud. 

Then turning to peter he asks," Do i have one?" 

"Yes, you do." peter tries to guide Mr. Jones back outside. "frankly", peter says.

"If i were you ..." But Mr. Jones is already dashing towards the "J"aisle to find his box.

Peter follows, shaking his head. He catches up with Mr. Jones just as he is slipping the red ribbon off his box and popping the lid. Looking inside, Jones has a moment of instant recognition, and he lets out a deep sign like ones Peter has heard so many times before. Because there in Mr. Jones' White box are all the blessings that God wanted to give to him while he was on earth...but Mr. Jones had never asked.

"Ask", promised Jesus, and it will be given to you" (Matt. 7:7)

"You do not have because you do not ask", said James in 4:2

Eventhough there is no limit to God's goodness, if you didn't ask him for a blessing yesterday, you didn't get all that you were supposed to have.   

- from the book of Prayer of Jabez

In Seeking Illumination

The disciple approached his master:

"For years I have been seeking illumination," he said. "I feel that I am close to achieving it. I need to know what the next step is."

"How do you support yourself?" the master asked.

"I haven't yet learned how to support myself; my parents help me out. But
that is only a detail."

"Your next step is to look directly at the sun for half a minute," said the master.

And the disciple obeyed. When the half-minute was over, the master asked him to describe the field that surrounded them.

"I can't see it. The sun has affected my vision," the disciple said

"A man who seeks only the light, while shirking his responsibilities, will never find illumination. And one who keep his eyes fixed upon the sun ends up blind," was the master's comment.

- from the book of Maktub by Paulo Coelho

Friday, July 29, 2011

In The Dark

     A young soldier and his commanding officer got on a train together. 

     The only available seats were across from an attractive young lady who was traveling with her grandmother. As the four engaged in conversation, the soldier and the young lady kept eyeing one another. There was an obvious mutual attraction.

     Suddenly the train went into a tunnel, sending the train into darkness. Immediately two sounds were heard: the smack of a kiss followed by the whack of a slap across someone’s face.

The grandmother thought, “I can’t believe he kissed my granddaughter, but I’m glad she gave him the slap he deserved.”

     The commanding officer thought, “I don't blame the boy for kissing the girl, but it’s a shame that she missed him and hit me instead.”

     The young girl thought, “I’m glad he kissed me, but I wished my grandmother hadn’t slapped him for doing it.”

     And as the train broke into the sunlight, the soldier couldn’t help but smile. He had managed to kiss a pretty girl and slap his commanding officer and get away with both!

     It’s hard to get away with anything in the light. That’s why so many people love the darkness. (John 3:19-20)

When Life Is Hard

When life is hard just lift your head up a little, because that is when the Lord is closest to you.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Two Firemen

Two firemen go into a forest to put out a small fire. Afterward, when they emerge and go over to a stream, the face of one is all smeared with black, while the other man’s face is completely clean.
          Which of the two will wash his face?
          The one with the dirty face will look at the other man and assume that he looks like him. And vice versa, the man with the clean face will see his colleague covered in grime and say to himself: “I must be dirty too. I’d better have a wash.”

from the book The Zahir by Paulo Coelho

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Time for Hope

Two rabbis are trying everything possible to provide spiritual comfort to the Jews in Nazi Germany. For two years, frightened unbearably, they are able to evade their persecutions and perform their religious functions in various communities. They are finally taken prisoner.

One of the rabbis, terrified at what might happen to him, prays constantly. The other, however, spends the entire day sleeping.

“Why are you behaving like this?”asks the frightened rabbi.

“In order to conserve my strength. I know that I’ll be needing it later on,” said the other.

“But aren’t you afraid? We don’t know what’s going to happen to us.”

“I was afraid up until the time we were captured. Now that I’m a prisoner, what good would it do to fear what might happen to me. The time for fear has ended, now is the time for hope.”

From maktub by paulo coelho

Monday, July 18, 2011

What is the number one most misinterpreted Bible verse?

I was searching for some inspirational article to read when I came across to this discussion:

An anonymous ask the author this question:  What is the number one most misinterpreted Bible verse?

And this is what he answer:
Absolutely that would be Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.
The literal phrase meant is “thoughts about the future” but it is translated to plans. Many people interpret the word “plans” to means that ever detail of their life is spelled out and planned down to the smallest of seconds. But this isn't true there is room in this verse for living and deciding human beings. So many people take this verse out of context and don't continue to read:
Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you, declares the LORD, and I will restore your fortunes and gather you from all the nations and all the places where I have driven you, declares the LORD, and I will bring you back to the place from which I sent you into exile.
So what are the Lords plans for the future? Not to find his will but to find HIM! “You will seek Me and find Me. When you seek Me with all your heart, I will be found by you, declares the Lord.”
What does this passage really mean? This passage really talks about how the blessings that come from dynamic and growing relationships with our intimate Lord. People want to believe God has plans for our exact car and spouse. But those are our plans and desires. People use this verse to justify God being their own program..
Gods dream for the future of your life is that you get with HIS program. God doesn't dream about your houses and cars. God dreams for you to have an amazing intimacy with HIM.

To read more about this inspirational insight visit:

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Negative Desires

The disciple said to his master: “I have spent most of the day thinking about things I should not be thinking about, desiring things I should not desire and making plans I should not be making.”

The master invited the disciple to take a walk with him through the forest and asked the disciple if he knew its name.

“Belladonna,” said the disciple.

“It can kill anyone who eats its leaves. But it cannot kill anyone who simply observes it,” said the master. “Likewise, negative desires can cause no evil if you do not allow yourself to be seduced by them.”

From Maktub by Paulo Coelho